3 novembre 2021

“Covid: le donne dimenticate” editoriale della Prof.ssa Flavia Franconi

Sul numero di Salute della Repubblica in edicola il 30 settembre u.s. è uscito l’editoriale: “Covid: le donne dimenticate” scritto dalla Prof.ssa Flavia Franconi


18 ottobre 2021

The BIO-ALL Final conference (Lisbon, 27-28 October 2021)

Our project is reaching its end and we are proud to present to you the Bio-All final conference and the Gear Box Accelerator Demo-Day.

These events are organized in an interactive way as a space to captivate and promote interest in the Bio-All Gear Box Accelerator start-ups and directed at the entrepreneurial community, investors, corporate partners, and members eager to know more about the Bio-All Gear Box Accelerator Teams. You can participate in this event in person at Associação Industrial Portuguesa (Praça das Indústrias, 1300 Lisboa) or online.

On this 2-day event you will have the opportunity to hear about and get to know the project major results and achievements. In the afternoon of the 27th October the partners staff and invited experts will present the Bio-All Blueprint for the BioHealth sector, the joint-international Post-Graduation in BioHealth, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, the joint-international Accelerator Programme and the BioHealth Hub.

On the 28th October in the morning, you can watch the clinic pitch of the new batch of start-ups and witnessing these teams being launched to new heights:

NeuroSoV: focuses on validating small molecules with therapeutic potential for Parkinson disease. It is also about providing a set of lab services for pharmaceutical industries and research laboratories.

VideoOculograph: is a smart device for non-invasive visual disorders treatment and health diagnostics using eye movements and pupil responses.

Clynx: is developing gamification and digitalization of health solutions that improve the quality and experience of physical treatment.

Anti Shock: is a medical device start-up that is developing non-invasive continuous monitoring device that assesses blood vessel flow to help clinicians optimize administered fluid dosage.

CureAssist: is a telemedicine platform, a fully integrated digital hospital that allows the customers to communicate with doctors in real time from the comfort of their home and save their family’s medical information in a secure location






18 ottobre 2021

The BIO-ALL 4th Newsletter


22 luglio 2021

Annarita Frullini intervista Flavia Franconi, coordinatrice della W20 Equity in Health Commission



12 luglio 2021

Invitation Conference “Emerging Biomaterials and Regenerative Cardiology and Neurology ” (Prague 27-29 July 2021)

Invitation Prague Conference.docx

8 luglio 2021

Chiusura estiva

Nell’approssimarsi delle ferie estive vi comunichiamo che gli uffici dell’INBB chiuderanno dal 6 al 27 agosto.

Al fine di poter garantire la gestione degli ordini vi informiamo che il termine ultimo per inviare richieste di acquisti è il 30 luglio.

Richieste pervenute dopo tale data saranno evase alla riapertura.

Buone vacanze

Giovanni Antonini e Pietro Ragni

24 giugno 2021

Bando ERASMUS+ 2020-2021

Come gli scorsi anni, l’INBB, partecipando al Consorzio “Progetto NORTH SOUTH TRAINEESHIP”, può assegnare 13 borse per tirocini ERASMUS +  della durata di 4 mesi ciascuna destinate a studenti universitari, laureati, dottorandi e dottorati che hanno svolto attività nei nostri settori disciplinari.

 Scadenza 16 luglio2021

BANDO Traineeship 20_21Consorzio INBB.

Graduatoria def 19_7_21

21 giugno 2021

Fondazione “Aiutiamoli a vivere” sostiene un progetto di ricerca biologica avanzata, la nuova frontiera della medicina rigenerativa


Comunicato iniziativa INBB-FAV BO 23.6.2021_def-1

17 giugno 2021

Programmi di lavoro_Horizon Europe

Sono stati pubblicati ufficialmente i programmi di lavoro di Horizon Europe sul sito del Funding & Tender portal:;programCode=HORIZON

In particolare, potrebbero interessare i WP 4 (Health)

ed il WP 9 ( food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment)