About us
The Istituto Nazionale di Biostrutture e Biosistemi (I.N.B.B.) – Biostructures and Biosystems National Institute is an interuniversity Consortium which has received the recognition of the legal personality with a ministry decree DM – MURST of 11/12/1995 and it is supervised by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific and Technological Research (MIUR). The MIUR appoints two members in the Board of Directors and the 3 members of the Board of Auditors (the President of which is an officer of the Ministry of Economics).
For the five-year period 2014-2018, the President is Prof. Giovanni Antonini, the Vice President Prof. Aldo Roda and the Director is Dr. Pietro Ragni.
The INBB activity consists mainly in the management of scientific projects on research and training (both national and international), the INBB Research Units are directly involved within the universities; a particular interest is given to European Union Programmes. Thanks to the fulfilled projects and the prestige of the participant researchers’ papers, the Consortium have had a very positive judgment within the VQR (Research Quality Assessment) 2006/10 exercise by ANVUR.
Only public Italian universities are admitted in the Consortium (now they are 23). It is organized in these 9 sections: Milano, with the afferent universities of Parma, Torino and Milano Bicocca; Udine, with the afferent university of Verona; Bologna, with the afferent universities of Firenze and Siena; Genova, with the afferent university of Sassari; Padova, with the afferent university of Trento; Napoli, with the afferent university of Napoli Federico II; Bari, with the afferent universities of Bari Politecnico and of Molise; Roma, with the afferent universities of Politecnico delle Marche, Camerino, Roma 2, Roma 3 and L’Aquila; Catania, with the afferent university of Messina.
More than 600 university researchers (mostly full professors and associate) adhere to I.N.B.B., they have been admitted on the basis of a selective evaluation of their scientific publications. Each of them adheres to one of the six research areas foreseen by the Consortium Statute: Biomolecules, Bioinstrumentation and Bioelectronics, Biosystems and Bioregulations Biotechnology, Biological Supramolecular Functional Unit, Cells.
The INBB, which is a non-profit Consortium, has obtained, until 2012, a permanent financial contribution by the MIUR. This financial contribution, and in general an important part of the funding for the research, are used to support the human resources scientifically committed in the areas of reference and which represent the real added value of the Consortium. Thirty positions on average per year are active, considering employees, scholarships and research contracts; 90% of them are dedicated exclusively to the scientific field.
The INBB Consortium, in addition to the Research Units established by the partner universities, has set up over the years a National Laboratory at Osilo (SS) with the Division of Gender Medicine and a Laboratory on Endocrine Interferents in Naples, by the headquarter of the National Reasech Council – CNR.